
Someone Tell Me If I Like This...

Something bugs me about this video. I watch a lot of the "times-they-are-a-changin'" videos, but don't know what to make of this. But my Blink sense is tingling...

Since I'm teaching my digital citizenship course next semester, I think I'll use this in class.


Amy said...

I think it's interesting information, but the tone of the piece seems to pose these factoids as problems or things that we should be scared of (even though when I read most of them, I was thinking "Awesome!")

Insignificant Wrangler said...

Yes Amy, there's definitely something with the tone. I feel like I'm supposed to be troubled by those figures (the tone of the EPIC 2014 movie).

EnthyAlias said...

To me the tone read more like HAL: let me spit all this data at you, Dave. But I'm still going to use it in my rhetorical ecologies class because the stats are great for shaking up their assumptions about how much our world has changed/is changing.